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Office 365 GCC High Backup for CMMC

Your Information Systems Need To Be Secure and Compliant - So Should Your Backups

Many organizations make a wise business risk decision to backup and/or archive critical information systems. This decision is now non-optional with impending audits coming through the newly drafted Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC). CMMC Level 3, as of the latest release, will include the requirement for backup of information systems. Contractor information systems likely house Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) or FCI, and so too will the respective backups.

Additionally, Aerospace and Defense companies are still required to meet DFARS 7012, and a large portion have trusted Office 365 GCC High to meet the requirements. With this in mind, it is critical to backup Office 365 GCC High and configure your backup environment to NIST 800-171 and meet the reporting requirements of DFARS 7012. One proper path is through a compliant Backup Solution in Azure Government. Below is a high level overview of this solution along with some example activities in the project.

      • Azure Baseline Configuration - i.e. Build storage groups
  • Setup Conditional Access Policies - i.e. Establish suspect countries
  • Setup Azure Monitor and Reporting 
  • Setup Azure Recovery Services (for sources not in Office 365)
  • Azure Network Implementation - i.e. Virtual network and subnets
  • Azure Directory Implementation - i.e. Domain controllers and AD Connect
  • Establish least privilege using Azure RBAC

Azure frees you from upfront capital expenses and the time it takes to manage services locally. And that means you can focus on what’s important: running your business.

Safeguard your business with unmatched security management and threat protection for all backed up applications and data, whether they’re on-premises or in the cloud. Plus, Azure has more security and certifications than any other cloud provider for DoD contractors.

Obtain a CMMC Compliant Backup Solution for Office 365 GCC High