[Webinar] Compliance vs Security: Exploring the Real-World Security Value of CMMC


    Webinar - Compliance vs Security - Exploring the Real-World Security Value of CMMC


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    Jacob Horne - Chief Cybersecurity Evangelist, Summit 7


    Catch Jacob Horne's session from the Cloud Security and Compliance Series (CS2) in Boston.

    CMMC is often criticized for being ineffective against the cyber threats that motivated its creation. But many of those criticisms are just as unfounded as the rhetoric used to promote CMMC as a cybersecurity silver bullet. Like most things, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. What level of security does a company get when they achieve CMMC certification? This session will explore what you get when CMMC is all you’ve got by comparing CMMC baselines against real-world cyber threat profiles.

    • Expert Insight: 

      Hear from industry expert - Jacob Horne (Summit 7) as he separates fact from fiction in CMMC's role in cybersecurity.

    • Evaluation:

      Find out what security value you're getting for your time, money, and effort when you pursue CMMC certification.